Rick Scott, Karl Rove, the Koch brothers, Dick Armey and others like them are Cowards. Here’s why.

They bundle money in large packages and because the Supreme Court was having a bad hair day it’s almost legal. (The IRS may decide otherwise) Their three million lawyers and accountants say what they are doing is legal but so is “stick ‘em up.” if you get away with it. 

They run television commercials blasting Obama and fail to tell us who they are. 

This is the Coward’s way to pomp and prosperity in today’s America

I have never written anything that doesn’t have my name on it. I have never given money that doesn’t come from me directly. 

Rick Scott, our little Emperor


Rick Scott, my governor since I live in his state, spent well over $50 million fighting Health Care reform. Not one television commercial mentioned that the ads were purchased by Rick Scott. 

Not one. 

Yesterday Rick Scott delivered his signed Florida budget to The Villages, a town I did not previously know existed. He told us about all the good decisions he had rendered in his Line Item veto determinations. 

As a result 1400 Broward teachers are bye-bye and many good programs are kaput but Scott is still with us. 

I am baffled that we still – if ever so slightly – believe in these people. 

A worse crew of Pseudo-Americans would be hard to find. 


My Congressman is Allen West, a very light colonel who believes he is Stonewall Jackson or Pickett charging up the hill at Gettysburg. 

The army let him go because he was improperly questioning prisoners. He disagrees with their decision and casts his principles with Joyce Kauffman, a local nuisance who offers to trade ballots for bullets if she doesn’t get what she wants. 

I do wonder what they would offer against Mr. Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican president. 

I do wonder. 

The author - recovering



Still Liberal at 83